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Writer's picture@cheamrector

Parish Update - 29th April 2020

Dear all,

The first cartoon is one of Dave Walker’s most shared cartoons. The premise is that, whilst we have church buildings, so much of the church and its work is represented far more by people. Church buildings would be of no value at all without the people who attend worship and other events within them, as well as witnessing to their faith in their day-to-day lives.

Dave updated his cartoon a few weeks ago for this time of isolation. Spot the difference! There is much less traffic on the road and there are far fewer people around going about their daily activities. The scene is considerably quieter. Nevertheless, the church is still present in the same way. In fact, at this time when we are unable to join together in our buildings, it is an even more powerful image as we participate in worship and prayer either virtually or on our own. Here in Cheam, as with thousands of parishes across the country, the altar has become the Rectory dining table and the pews our living room sofas.

Although there is much talk about the relaxation of limitations on our lives, it is clear that this is going to be a gradual process. We must expect this to be reflected in our churches as well. Our buildings are not going to be fully closed one minute and fully open the next. When the time comes, we need to be prepared for some form of phased re-opening of our churches and return to public worship. We will not open again until it is deemed safe to do so.

This means that for the foreseeable future, our own homes will continue to be our places of worship. Yet we will still all gather together for worship, across the miles, yet still joined.

Some notices:

Worship This Week

The following services will be live-streamed on our YouTube Channel (Cheam Parish):

11am Wednesday 29th April Eucharist (remembering Catherine of Siena)

9.30am Sunday 3rd May Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

The Sunday service will be followed by a virtual coffee on Zoom. Details are as follows:

Meeting ID: 884 0628 5452

Password: 071441

Important Dates

· 9.30am Sunday 17th May: St Dunstan’s Day Festival Eucharist

· 7.30pm Thursday 21st May: Ascension Day Eucharist

· 9.30am Sunday 31st May Pentecost

· 9.30am Sunday 21st June St Alban’s Day Festival Eucharist

Parish Bingo Evenings – 9th and 23rd May

Roger and Lucy Brice have kindly offered to arrange two Bingo evenings on Zoom at 7pm on on 9th and 23rdMay. Many of you should have received a flyer already. Details are as follows:

Entry £8 per book of 6 cards per event. (£4 towards cash prizes and £4 towards church funds)

Closing date for entries 3rd May

Bingo will be played over Zoom which can be accessed via computer or tablet (camera and microphone required), instructions to be provided upon entry.

To enter please email— with your home address and telephone number so that Bingo books can be sent to you along with which dates you are playing (can be 1 or both).

Please transfer your entry money (£8 per event) to: Barclays Bank,

St Dunstan’s Choir Fund, Sort Code: 20-24-64 Account number: 83006719

When making your payment, please include the player’s name and if joining for only one date, add the date you will be playing.

Please note the choir fund account is being used to ease administration for the events but all proceeds raised will be paid to the general church fund account.

Parish Discussion Group

The present pandemic has presented us with a unique set of circumstances and challenges. We will be holding a series of informal conversations on Zoom to reflect on the place of faith and church in the current environment. Each session will consist of a time of conversation (over a glass of wine or your own preferred drink) and will end with a service of Compline (Night Prayer).

The sessions will be as follows:

· 8pm Tuesday 5th May Where Is God In The Coronavirus Pandemic?

· 8pm Tuesday 12th May The Images And Iconography Of Coronavirus

· 8pm Tuesday 19th May Experiencing Church In Isolation

More information can be found on the website by clicking here.

If you would like to take part, please email Nick ( The joining details for Zoom will then be sent on to you.

Telephone Conversations

If anyone would like to be contacted, please call or email the Parish Office. We are happy to offer practical advice (where possible) or simply have a friendly chat. PLEASE DO NOT FEEL ALONE.

A Prayer from the Church of South India

God our Father,

by whose mercy the world turns safely into darkness

and returns again to light:

we place in your hands our unfinished tasks,

our unsolved problems, and our unfulfilled hopes,

knowing that only what you bless will prosper.

To your love and protection we commit each other

and all those we love,

knowing that you alone are our sure defender,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

With love and prayers to you all,

The Reverend Dr Nicholas Peacock

Team Rector, Cheam Team Ministry

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