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Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised earlier in their lives make a firm commitment to Christian discipleship. Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church also asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.


You are eligible for confirmation either if you are resident in the parish or if you regularly attend services at our churches. Those who live outside our parish and do not attend our services regularly should approach their own parish church. We will usually only prepare candidates of secondary school age and above.  (For children younger than this, we offer Holy Communion Before Confirmation from the age of seven).


Candidates for confirmation should already be regular worshippers at St Dunstan’s, St Alban’s, or St Oswald’s.   Candidates will be expected to attend church at least twice each month in the months leading up to the confirmation. There will also be a Confirmation Course during which the teaching and implications of Christianity and the significance of confirmation will be discussed.

We usually prepare candidates for confirmation once a year, depending on demand. The service is most likely to take place in [another local church along with candidates from other parishes] . We will publish the dates for the confirmation some months in advance.


If you are eligible for confirmation and are interested in taking this further, please contact the Parish Office for more information.





St Dunstan’s Church

Church Road





Tel: 0300 330 1456. 
Cheam PCC: Registered Charity No. 1134780


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