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  • hannah30497

Messy Church

Just over a week ago we held our 10th Messy Church since we restarted in March 2022. We hold Messy Church once each school term (6 times a year) and we alternate between holding it at St Oswlads and at Christ Church with St Philip. We spend an hour together exploring the Bible story through crafts and activities (some messy and some not so messy) before sharing a short celebration including music, prayers and story together. We then eat together before heading home.

These services have been a great success. We have had between 50 and 95 people at each one and have explored a number of different Bible stories from creation to Jesus’ miracles, from Ruth and Naomi to Easter. We have done this with wool, and paint, and biscuits, and water, games, and Lego, and junk, and flowers, and dirt, and glue, and tissue paper and more.

We have an amazing group of helpers who make this possible. If you are interested in helping do speak to Hannah. You do not have to help every time and it is a fun (if busy) afternoon for all who come, including the helpers.

Messy Church is particularly aimed at children in Junior school (aged 4-11) although we have a number of preschoolers who enjoy it and a few older kids who come as well. If you know any families who might be interested do let them know about it and encourage them to come along and check it out. Our next Messy Church service will be on December 2nd, 3-5pm at Christ Church with St Philip Worcester Park, free tickets can be booked at Everyone is welcome.

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