Dear all,
Nearly everyone accepts that we are now at an extremely tricky moment in the pandemic. On the one hand, we cannot live in a lockdown situation forever. It is right that shops and businesses are opening up, some people are gradually returning to work, and we are beginning to socialise once again. On the other hand, although lockdown has managed to reduce significantly the number of cases and deaths, Covid-19 has certainly not disappeared. It remains a significant threat and it looks likely that we will have to learn to live with this threat for a long time to come. The balance between the degree to which guidelines are relaxed and the need to manage the virus is going to be extremely tricky to find.
Whilst there is undoubtedly a necessity to address economic concerns, the main reason why I believe that there is a pressing need to find a way to emerge from lockdown safely is that it is having a significant impact on our mental wellbeing. Children have missed out not just on their learning, but also on the friendships and emotional support that school brings. Parents have been juggling the need for childcare with the pressures of work. Older people are still being advised that they should stay at home as much as they can. Those with serious health conditions remain subject to additional guidance at least until the end of July. Many people have lost their jobs and those who have been furloughed have been left in an employment limbo. All this is taking its toll. We are staring in the face of a mental health crisis.
At the moment, it seems to me that the government’s exit strategy is driven primarily by the economy. Although we do need to try to limit the impact of the impending recession, what would happen if the government changed its focus and placed general wellbeing at the centre of its decision-making? I spoke about the Welfare State in my sermon on Sunday, marking the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the National Health Service. Emerging from the ruins of the Second World War, the Welfare State was ground-breaking because its basic principle was to put the interests of people ahead of the interests of the state. Emerging from the horrors of this pandemic, perhaps it is time for us to do something similar?
Invocation of the Holy Spirit
Most powerful Holy Spirit,
come down
upon us
and subdue us.
from heaven,
where the ordinary is made glorious,
and glory seems
but ordinary,
bathe us
with the brilliance
of Your light
like dew.
From the Northumbria Community
With love and prayers to you all,
The Reverend Dr Nicholas Peacock
Team Rector, Cheam Team Ministry
Worship Coming Up in July and August
Wednesday 8th July 11.00am Eucharist (BCP)
YouTube only
Sunday 12th July 9.30am Parish Eucharist for Trinity 5
YouTube and In Person
10.45am Children’s Service
On Zoom (see below)
Wednesday 15th July 11.00am Eucharist (BCP)
YouTube only
Sunday 19th July 9.30am Parish Eucharist for Trinity 6
YouTube and In Person
Wednesday 22nd July 11.00am Eucharist for Mary Magdalene
YouTube only
Sunday 26th July 9.30am Parish Eucharist for Trinity 7
YouTube and In Person
Wednesday 29th July No Service
The Rector will be on leave over the first three Sundays in August. There will be a Service of the Word at 10.00am at St Oswald’s. Alternative online offerings will be signposted. More details of service until the end of August will be sent next week.
Churches Opening for Private Prayer
We will continue to open our churches for ‘private prayer’ as follows:
St Oswald's will be open:
· 10.00am-11.30am on Sundays
St Dunstan's will be open:
· 11.30am-12.30pm on Sundays from 5th July
· 11.00am-12.00pm on Wednesdays from 7th July
St Alban's - there are currently no plans to open, but we are keeping this under review and will be undertaking a risk assessment this week.
Please see the website for information on what to expect if you would like to attend.
We are looking for volunteers to supervise the churches during the opening times. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the office (office@cheamparish.org.uk).
Booking for Public Worship
We are running a booking process for our public worship on Sunday mornings. If you would like attend one of these services, please let our Parish Administrator, Louise, know by either telephoning 07928 833324 or emailing office@cheamparish.org.uk by midday on the Friday before each Sunday service. If there are no more places available, you will be offered a place for the following week. Unfortunately, if you do not book a place, you will not be able to attend.
Sunday School and Children’s Worship
We will be holding a service for children over Zoom at 10.45am on Sunday 14th June. This service will follow material on the 'Let's Sow The Seed' from the Diddy Disciples programme and is aimed at children up to the age of 10 years old.
For safeguarding purposes, the Zoom login details for this service cannot be published. If you would like your child to join the service, please email the parish office (office@cheamparish.org.uk) and your details will be forwarded on to the Sunday School team. The login details can then be sent to you. Please make sure that an adult is present during the service.
The last Sunday School session before the summer break will be on Sunday 19th July. Sunday School has also been continuing at St Alban’s, very capably led by Amanda and Cathy. Many thanks to them for all their work in the last few months.
Zoom Coffee
Details for accessing Zoom coffee on Sunday 12th July are below. Please contact the Office for the password. This week coffee will be hosted by Lucy Brice.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 6685 4594
If you would like to receive a visit from the Rector, he is happy to meet with parishioners following the current guidelines. At present, this means he can meet with people outside. Clearly this will depend significantly on the weather! Please email the Rector directly (cheamrector@cheamparish.org.uk) or contact the office.
If you would like us to pray for someone or something, please email the office (office@cheamparish.org.uk) and Louise will compile a weekly prayer list to be used at all our services.
For reasons of privacy, we will use first names only and the person for whom you are asking us to pray should be happy for you to do this.
Distributing this Newsletter
We are very aware that some people do not have access to electronic communication. If you know someone who would like a paper copy of the weekly newsletter, please do print a copy and deliver it to them. Without access to the Parish Office, we are not in a position to do a mass mail. Equally, deliveries around Cheam are very sporadic at the moment.
Telephone Conversations
If anyone would like to be contacted, please call or email the Parish Office. We are happy to offer practical advice (where possible) or simply have a friendly chat. PLEASE DO NOT FEEL ALONE.