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Covid-19 - Giving/Fundraising


Yes - it might seem strange that we would blog about this at this time but the current emergency situation means that our church buildings are currently fully closed and we are unable to hold services or rent our premises.

This is going to have a significant impact on our income in the coming months.

We are asking everyone in the parish and beyond to consider the following:

If you would like to make a one-off payment, you can:

  • Make an online donation (see below);

  • Contact us for details of how to make an online payment or to whom a cheque should be made out and sent.

If you give by regular standing order, please review your offering and increase it if possible;

If you give by our envelope scheme or regularly place cash in our collection plate when you are in church, please:

  • put this to one side for a bulk payment later in the year;

  • make a one-off payment through our online donations (see below);

  • contact us for details of how to make an online payment or to whom a cheque should be made out and sent.

See our Fundraising/Giving pages for further information.

Many thanks and stay healthy!

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