On Easter Day, we celebrate Jesus' miraculous Resurrection. The stone of his tomb is moved to one side and the world is changed.
A Eucharist will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel from the Rectory at 9.30am. The order of service can be found here. Words for the music can be found here.
After the service, at 10.30am, we will be holding a virtual meeting via Zoom to wish each other Happy Easter. So, grab a drink and join us! Details below:
Topic: Cheam Parish Easter Day Coffee Time: Apr 12, 2020 10:30 AM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/447161025?pwd=UzUvTzJCK0dqSXFuVnJET0lGOWgyZz09
Meeting ID: 447 161 025
Password: 097931