We will be offering the following on Sunday 20th December (the Third Sunday of Advent):
St Dunstan's
9.30am Parish Eucharist (in person and on our YouTube channel. The Order of Service can be found here)
5.00pm Carol Service (in person only)
7.00pm Carol Service (in person and on our YouTube channel. The Order of Service can be found here.)
To ensure a place at any of these services, please book through the Parish Office.
St Oswald's
10.00am Eucharist (in person only)
5.00pm Carol Service (in person only)
To ensure a place at any of these services, please contact Bryan Hopper (07787 755142 / bryan.hopper@btinternet.com)
St Alban's
10.30am Open For Private Prayer (in person only)
7.00pm The Longest Night - a service for those who find Christmas hard (in person only)
To ensure a place at any of these service, please contact Carol and John Adams (07504 442279)