With a return to public worship now allowed, we will be offering the following regular services across our parish in December. (Please see separate communication for details of our special Christmas services).
St Dunstan’s
Sundays 9.30am: Parish Eucharist
In Person (please book a place) and Online
Wednesdays 11.00am: Eucharist (BCP)
In Person Only (please book a place). (No Service 30.12)
Sunday 13th December 11.15am: Family Service
A simple, short service for families
In Person Only (please book a place)
St Oswald’s
On Sundays 6th and 20th December
10.00am: Eucharist
In Person Only (please book a place)
On Sundays 13th, and 27th December
10.00am: Service of the Word
In Person Only (please book a place)
St Alban’s
On Sundays 13th, and 27th December
10.45am: Eucharist
In Person Only (please book a place)
On Sundays 6th and 20th December
10.30am-11.00am: Open for Prayer
We have limited capacity in our churches due to social distancing. We don’t want to turn anyone away, but to be sure of a place at one of our services, please contact:
St Dunstan’s: The Parish Office (07928 833324 / office@cheamparish.org.uk)
St Oswald’s: Bryan Hopper (07787 755142 / bryan.hopper@btinternet.com)
St Alban’s: Carol and John Adams (07504 442279)
Parish Office: 07928 833324 / office@cheamparish.org.uk
YouTube: Cheam Parish Twitter: @CheamParish