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Praying for Cheam and Belmont Parishes and getting involved with local community groups


Did you know this week (18th - 25th January ) is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, a time we unite together to pray for each other and the area we minister in as different churches but one Church.

As part of this Beth, with Sutton Community Works , has led us with a prayer journey around the parishes of Cheam and Belmont considering those we may be praying for.

Yes - the Parishes of Cheam and Belmont may be considered 'wealthier' than many areas but to paraphrase Beth -

'where there is wealth there are always pockets of poverty but with material wealth there can be deprivation of other kinds - spiritual, mental, emotional ....'

We also took the chance to ask Beth about she got involved with this week of Prayer for our local community in Sutton.

So Beth - tell us how you got involved with Sutton Community Works.

I volunteer for Sutton Food Shop, which is run by Sutton Community Works, once a month. It's a great way to meet people from across Sutton- both staff and clients.

I also join in with the monthly church leaders' breakfast at which we worship and pray together, as well as eat breakfast.

Ah - so across different Churches you meet with other Church Leaders within Sutton - what a great way to collaborate within Sutton. So is this how you ended u recording the above Interactive Online Prayer Journey?

I'm afraid so - when Mark (at Sutton Community Works) mentioned that he was planning a day of prayer I was keen to get involved. I've recorded the above and will also be leading a 15 minute slot on Zoom, praying for new initiatives in the area, to round off the Day of Prayer.

Thanks Beth - we'd love for Mark or other leaders from Sutton Community Works or Sutton Foodshop to come and meet some of us at the Coterie sessions. Maybe you could have a word?!

Of course - there are some great community initiatives within Sutton including the Sutton Women's Centre who recently came to talk to the Coterie about Domestic Abuse

I'm undertaking their Ambassador Training with Sutton Women's Centre after hearing about.

That's great to hear Beth. We also have some additional information on the Sutton Women's Centre Ask Me Domestic Abuse Ambassador Training below. Please contact the Sutton Women's Centre for further information.

Ask Me Domestic Abuse Ambassador Training

  • Face to Face in Sutton - Thursday, 27th January and then again on 3rd February, face to face in Sutton, 10am until 4.30pm.

  • Face to Face in Sutton - 3rd and 10th March, 10am until 4.30pm

  • Online - 9th, 16th and 23rd March.

You need to attend all sessions of whichever course you decide to attend.

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